As an International film festival for young generation, BIKY hosts and serves as the hub of the children film festival 's network in the world.
In the belief that movies are not just for watching, we continue to work and develop various experiences and educational activities and it also enhance the image of 'Busan', a UNESCO creative city of films.
We are also studying film literacy and developing the ways to media curriculum to use in school carried by good films.
Due to the characteristics of modern society that emphasizes competition and interests, the content environment for children and adolescents is getting worse.
It is delightful for the BIKY to meet talented filmmakers and their films and also providing equal opportunities to everyone to make a better society and a better world.
・ Name: 18th Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival 2023
・ Date: 10-16 July 2023
・ Venue: [Main Theater] Busan Cinema Center, [Sub Theater] Jung-gu(Middle District of Busan), Buk-gu(North District of Busan)
・ Motto: Give Sensibility for children! Touch the heart for Grown-ups!
・ Slogan: We are all unique!
・ Scale: 150 Films from 60 countries
・ Opening Ceremony: Be announced later
・ Award Ceremony: Be announced later