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The unique view of the Gijang Ocean at Jukseong Catholic Church

Number of clicks26,106   Number of reviews4   좋아요10
The ocean of Gijang that retains the emerald color of the East Sea is a location visited by many people. On sunny or cloudy days, it is a great location for driving along the coast, where romantic cafés offer a great view. Visitors always stop by the Jukseong Catholic Church in Gijang.

Songjeong Beach: Preserving nature

Number of clicks26,081   Number of reviews14   좋아요14
Pass by Haeundae by walking down along the Dalmajigil Road to see the wide and long stretch of the sandy Songjeong Beach, the beach loved by surfers.

Canola flower attractions in Busan at the peak of yellow flowers

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As blooming canola flowers are at its peak in March and April at mountains and parks, Busan will be covered with a wave of bright yellow petals.

Fishing Villages: Best Relaxing Getaways in Busan

Number of clicks25,413   Number of reviews6   좋아요9
Busan is famous for its diverse natural resources. Although it is a big city full of high-rise buildings, Busan is also close to the sea, rivers, mountains, and its amazing natural scenery will make your trip more interesting. If you are ready to explore different, you should check out Gadeokdo Island. Even Busan locals are not fully familiar with this island, but it has unique scenery that will change your perception of Busan as a big city. In particular, fishing villages in every corner of Gadeokdo Island are the best spots to relax after a tiring day.

All Time Favorite Spots You Haven't Heard About - Busan's Monorails

Number of clicks25,246   Number of reviews11   좋아요33
In Busan, which has mountains, seas, and rivers, many places have preserved old traces related to the mountains, and the most representative of them is probably 'mountainside roads.' On mountainside roads, travelers naturally follow the traces of time as they walk along steep hillsides and winding alleyways, where various monorails welcome travelers. Let me introduce you to 5 monorail spots in Busan that are popular not only for relieving traffic congestion but also for charmingphoto opportunities. So enjoy the specialness of a trip to mountainside roads, where the real story of Busan is hidden, along with a cute monorail.

Ami-dong Tombstone Culture Village, home to graveyards

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The Ami-dong Tombstone Culture Village is across the road from Gamcheon Culture Village. It is one of the mountainous villages that grew busy because of the increasing visitors during the mountainside road renaissance. During the Korean War, refugees embarked on a journey with nothing but basic household items. The civic officers handed out a small note to refugees who congregated to Busan Station that contained the following short address. “San 19-beonji, Ami-dong.” This was the beginning of the Ami-dong Tombstone Culture Village where they will make their home.

Busan Christmas Tree Cultural Festival, the feast of Christmas tree lighting

Number of clicks24,819   Number of reviews12   좋아요16
Busan Christmas Tree Cultural Festival is where Gwangbok-ro is embellished with different sizes and shapes of Christmas tree lights. People visit Nampo-dong to enjoy the magnificent festival that warms up the cold winter every night with beautiful songs and spectacular performances.

Busan Citizens Park is back to provide places to help citizens have a relaxing time.

Number of clicks24,681   Number of reviews5   좋아요9
Military camp and park—these two words do not match well together. However, there is a place where a military camp is reborn as a park, namely Busan Citizens Park. For 70 years after the liberation in South Korea, this place had been called the “US Army Camp Hialeah,” but now it’s back as a resting area for people in Busan.

Yongdusan Park, a reason to travel to Busan

Number of clicks24,352   Number of reviews10   좋아요6
I visit Busan because of Yongdusan Park! That’s right. Yongdusan Park is enough reason to visit Busan these days. If Haeundae is the hot spot of east Busan, Nampo-dong is the most popular place in central Busan. Yongdusan Park is a leading landmark of Busan frequented by those who visit the region.

The beautiful harmony in the night sky of Busan, Busan Fireworks Festival

Number of clicks24,273   Number of reviews9   좋아요16
Autumn in Busan blooms with colorful lights. Gwangalli Beach and any spot overlooking the Gwangalli Ocean in Busan is crowded. People’s eyes are gathered on the ocean and the night sky lit up with fireworks. It’s the time for the Busan Fireworks Festival! The shining Gwangandaegyo Bridge begins coming into view. As the Gwangan Bridge gets closer, it becomes so crowded you can’t even find a gap to set your foot in. However, the people seem bright like the fireworks they’re waiting for, and you enjoy feeling the chilly sea breeze on this pleasant autumn night. What items can you prepare to make your Busan Fireworks Festival experience more enjoyable? Above all, you should pay attention to warmth. It’s warm during the day but very windy and cold in the sea area in the autumn night. So it’s a good idea to wear a warm coat and take a blanket even if you feel a bit hot when you go out. During the festival, Gwangalli is crowded, and it’s not easy to get back to where you were sitting once the fireworks start. So make sure you have something to eat and drink while enjoying the festival, and make a pit stop before you sit down. Go the fireworks place early, and share food with people to enjoy the festival together. It may take longer to wait, but you’ll soon forget it with the joyous festival atmosphere and more and more people gathering around.

Hwangnyeongsan Trail, a forest trail in the center of Busan

Number of clicks24,052   Number of reviews1   좋아요5
It’s a great trail to enjoy the forest bathing in the center of the city while taking a stroll along the hillside of Hwangnyeongsan Mountain. As it spans the four boroughs of Busan, it takes about five to six hours to travel there. If you’re not confident with walking along the ridges, you can choose one or two of the divided sections. They are connected like spider webs, so trekking by section will not be difficult.

Haeundae Lighting Festival filling the night sea of Haeundae with romance

Number of clicks23,905   Number of reviews12   좋아요8
The lighting festival transforms the cold winter street into a romantic world that even seems to warm up the cold season. Why not jump into the romantic world of the Haeundae Lighting Festival, which fills the night sea of Haeundae with beautiful lights?

Gukje Market bustling with energy

Number of clicks23,856   Number of reviews5   좋아요5
There is an expression in Busan that says, “It’s like a Dottaegi Market,” which means “a loud and bustling atmosphere,” Dottaegi, the old name of Gukje Market, is crowded and full of energy, items, and people.

Enjoy Busan through bike tours.

Number of clicks23,692   Number of reviews2   좋아요8
Busan encompasses the sea, mountains, and rivers. Thanks to this natural environment, Busan can offer various experience programs tailored to people’s preferences. In particular, riding a bicycle along rivers and streams in Busan is another way of enjoying the city. Of course, to enjoy Busan by bike, you must have one. Do not worry if you do not have your own. A total of 12 public bicycle rental services are available free of charge or at an affordable price in different venues, such as Samnak, Hwamyeong, Maekdo, Daejeo Eco Parks, Spo1 Park, Jwasuyeonggyo Bridge, Eulsukdo Island, Oncheonjang Station, Oncheoncheon Park, and Millak-dong. Let us introduce the top five riding spots in Busan that are loved by riders.

Healing through walking, Jeoryeong Coastal Trail

Number of clicks22,766   Number of reviews2   좋아요6
Busan is known for its ocean! Have you been to many beaches? If you want to enjoy the unique charm of Busan’s sea, try the Jeoryeong Coastal Trail!

A full list of scenic sunrise points in Busan

Number of clicks22,685   Number of reviews2   좋아요3
Just before greeting the New Year, people first plan on a sunrise trip. Busan, surrounded by the South and East Seas and their different colors, offers diverse sunrise landscapes. The sun comes up every day in the same way, but it may look different depending on your viewing point. Let’s visit scenic sunrise points in Busan.
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